Member Guests
Only Full Members may sign in Guests.
Only 2 Guests may be signed in for each Full Member.
Guests must play with the Member who has signed them in.
Each Visitor can only be signed in as a Guest on 3 occasions in any Calendar Year, after this they must pay Green Fees at the normal visitor's rates
Summer Guest: from 31st March - £16 (Junior £7.50) per full day
Winter Guest: from 27th October - £12 (Junior £5) per full day
There is a 9 hole concession for Guests only :
Summer £11 (Junior £5)
Winter £8 (Junior £4)
The signing in member is responsible for ensuring that only 9 holes are played.
Payment by Bank Transfer to the Golf Club: St Davids City Golf Club
Sort Code: 30-93-98 Account No: 64251768
then email davidapatten@gmail.com with date and number of players
Alternatively, club members can pay for their guests by using the payment options below
St Davids City Golf Club, Pembrokeshire